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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Hot Sale Of iPhone 6 Make The Market Share Of Android Declined

The research institution Kantar Worldpanel ComTech released a report recently that since iPhone 6/6 Plus was in sold, iOS has encroached Android’s market share in the global area. The report said that in the market that KWC has investigated, market share of iOS increased in all countries, except for Japan. At the meanwhile, Android’s market share is decline in America and Europe.
The report also showed that, in the first three month before November, 2014, Android’s market share declined in the first time comparing to September, 2013. Though its market share fell from 50.4% to 48.4%, it is still in the leading role of American market. And iOS’s market share in America has increased 4.3%, and up to 47.7%. In these 5 countries of Europe(England, German, France, Italy and Spain), the market share of Android is about 69.9%, which is 3.2% lower than November, 2013.
In China, the market share of Android is still as high as 80.4%. Tamsin Timpson, the head of the Asian strategic analysis in KWC, said that the local smartphone manufacturers in China have published various kinds of products to push the market share to increase. The MI is the biggest contributor for Android’s success, during this period, the mobile phone sales share has reached 30.2%, which has made the growth of 18%.

By contrast, iOS increased 1.1% in Chinese market share, and up to 18.1%. China Mobile is still the main distribution channels for Apple, which has shared 63% in Chinese iPhone whole sales volume.

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