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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Smartphone Could Change People's Brain?

The first generation of iPhone made touch screen become the mainstream absolutely, since then, the touch screen becomes the main way that we interact with the mobile phone. Not only that, recently, studies have shown that in the meanwhile cell phones were changing human's life, it also have changed the operation mode of people's brain.
A neuroscientist at the University of Zurich found that people who use smartphones, their cerebral cortex area would will be more active correspondingly, and the extent of the effect is directly related to the time that users have spent in.

The study also found that in the process of people using smartphones with a finger, the action repeating on the screen will change the specific region of the cerebral cortex. This area is called the somatosensory cortex, which receives sensory signals coming from human skin.
When some parts of human's body are frequently used, such as fingers, then the corresponding regions of the brain would change, and become more sensitive. Among this study, there are two comparative experiment groups, the old-fashioned style phone users and smartphone users. From the results of the experiment we can find that participants who using touch screen smartphones would be more active in their brain region where are related to the finger tips movement.

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