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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Completely Touch Screen Transparent Mobile Phone Is Not Just Transparent Mobile Phone

What is the difference between the completely touch screen transparent mobile phone and the transparent mobile phone? Why we say that the completely touch screen transparent mobile phone is not simply just the transparent mobile phone? Actually the difference between them is quite easy to understand, but the technology inside is not that simple.
The completely touch screen transparent mobile phone could realize the full touch charging of the mobile phone, users could reach the touch operation on both front side and back side of the mobile phone, to enjoy the perfect experience randomly. Take Samsung transparent mobile phone as an example, the performance of this phone conforms absolutely to the features that the completely touch screen transparent mobile phone has. Users could unlock the phone, make the screenshot, open the program and drag and slide totally on the back front of the mobile phone.
And when saying about the transparent mobile phone, that would come into a wide range It consists not only the completely touch screen transparent mobile phones, the completely transparent mobile phones and some partial transparent mobile phones. The functions of the completely transparent mobile phone we have introduced above, and here comes the completely transparent mobile phone, its mobile phone body is with full transparent, appearance is with no difference to the completely touch screen transparent mobile phone. But it could only support the one-sided charge, which means it just can run the touch screen operation on the front side.
The partial transparent mobile phone is already listed its final goods in the market, such as Sony Ericsson X5, Lenovo S800 and LG GD900. Among these, The Sony Ericsson X5 and Lenovo S800 are just transparent with the touch screen, other parts are not transparent. LG GD900 selected the slide design, matched with the transparent keypad. However, all these are belong to the transparent mobile phone in a broad sense.

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